At Mosaic Church, giving is an act of worship. We often think of singing or listening to a message as worship, and it is. But giving is another way that we are transformed to be more like Jesus. Those who are radically generous find freedom and blessings in ways we could never imagine. That is why Jesus often spoke about it! 

How much you give is also a personal decision between you and God. A tithe, biblically speaking, is giving 10% of your annual earnings to the local church as an acknowledgment of God’s gracious, daily provision. An offering is when we give above our tithe. Mosaic relies on your generosity to fuel what God is doing, in our community and around the world.

How you give is a personal decision. Some people prefer to give an offering during the weekly gatherings, others choose to give online. One of the easiest way to increase the impact of your giving is by setting up an automated recurring gift. This stabilizes our revenues on weekends when life keeps you away from a weekly gathering.

Click the button below to give a one time gift, or take 2 minutes to set up a weekly or monthly automated gift. That way your giving will stay on track through the craziness of life!


prefer not to give online? You can GIVE BY MAIL!

Checks and gifts can be mailed to: Mosaic Church - 206 Slinger Rd. Slinger, WI 53086


our commitment to you


We know that Your giving is 100% confidential and secure.

Your giving is 100% tax deductible. We are an official 501c3 organization.

At the end of the year, you will receive year end giving statements.

You can be confident your gifts are wisely managed so that every dollar is maximized to further the mission and vision of Mosaic.