Bible Study Techniques
New or newer to Bible reading? Looking for some new techniques to help find a deeper understanding and engagement with the text? This walk through will help you study the scriptures so that you engage with God and and the Bible in a whole new way!
Bible Study Techniques
Got a Minute? Take at least one minute and pray, talk to God and invite the Holy Spirit to help you understand God’s Word, His love letter to you.
2. Read the Word, the chapter or your portion for the day
3. Read the same material again and notice the things listed below.
Observation: What does the text say? Looking for key words and main themes
· Circle or underline keywords or names that are repeated
· Color code themes that you see: Red for love, yellow for joy, blue for salvation, a cross for Jesus, and so forth
· Also be on the lookout for lists. For example, Galatians 2:22-23 lists the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control). James 3:13-17 explores the difference between earthly wisdom and true wisdom. These lists can reveal important concepts and truths.
· When you are done, try to sum up the chapter theme in one or two sentences.
· Look out for comparisons (linked with words “like,” or “as”),
· contrasts that are made (search for the word “but”),
· conditional statements (find the “if”), and
· conclusions (“therefore,” “thus,” “so then”).
· Are there any time words which show time, sequence of events or ideas? words such as “after,” “as soon as,” “later,” “now,” “when,” or “until.” Mark it with a “T” for time, or hands of a clock.
Be a detective and ask the “5 Ws and an H”
With your passage marked up, re-read the text and ask Who? What? When? Why? and How?
Who? Who is talking in this story? Who is he/she talking to? Who are they talking about? Who is the author? Whom is the author speaking to?
Where? Where is this story taking place or will take place?
When? When was this passage written? When did these events happen?
What? What is the context? What are the main events? What are the characters doing? What was the author’s purpose?
How? How did something happen or will happen?
Interpretation: What does the text mean?
· Respect context: What is the book’s purpose and themes? The BIBLE PROJECT can help you with finding this.
· Let Scripture interpret Scripture: Reflect on what comes before and after and how it fits within the larger biblical narrative.
· Let the passage speak for itself: The Bible is not mysterious, don’t spend a lot of time looking for a hidden meaning. Interpret symbolic language in its historical context as the author intended. And although it can be difficult, try not to read your own opinions into the text.
Application: Live the message.
· How do I apply our interpretations to our everyday life.
· How can you put the message you have received into action?
· How does this revelation change your attitudes and opinions?
· What have you learned about your relationship with God and other people?