Bible Study Techniques

New or newer to Bible reading? Looking for some new techniques to help find a deeper understanding and engagement with the text? This walk through will help you study the scriptures so that you engage with God and and the Bible in a whole new way!

Bible Study Techniques

  • Got a Minute?  Take at least one minute and pray, talk to God and invite the Holy Spirit to help you understand God’s Word, His love letter to you.

  • 2.  Read the Word, the chapter or your portion for the day

  • 3. Read the same material again and notice the things listed below.


Observation: What does the text say? Looking for key words and main themes

·    Circle or underline keywords or names that are repeated

·    Color code themes that you see: Red for love, yellow for joy, blue for salvation, a cross for Jesus, and so forth

·    Also be on the lookout for lists. For example, Galatians 2:22-23 lists the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control). James 3:13-17 explores the difference between earthly wisdom and true wisdom. These lists can reveal important concepts and truths.

·    When you are done, try to sum up the chapter theme in one or two sentences.

·    Look out for comparisons (linked with words “like,” or “as”),

·    contrasts that are made (search for the word “but”),

·    conditional statements (find the “if”), and

·    conclusions (“therefore,” “thus,” “so then”).

·    Are there any time words which show time, sequence of events or ideas? words such as “after,” “as soon as,” “later,” “now,” “when,” or “until.” Mark it with a “T” for time, or hands of a clock.

Be a detective and ask the “5 Ws and an H”

With your passage marked up, re-read the text and ask Who? What? When? Why? and How?

  • Who? Who is talking in this story? Who is he/she talking to? Who are they talking about? Who is the author? Whom is the author speaking to?

  • Where? Where is this story taking place or will take place?

  • When? When was this passage written? When did these events happen?

  • What? What is the context? What are the main events? What are the characters doing? What was the author’s purpose?

  • How? How did something happen or will happen?

Interpretation: What does the text mean?

·    Respect context: What is the book’s purpose and themes? The BIBLE PROJECT can help you with finding this.

·    Let Scripture interpret Scripture:  Reflect on what comes before and after and how it fits within the larger biblical narrative.

·    Let the passage speak for itself: The Bible is not mysterious, don’t spend a lot of time looking for a hidden meaning. Interpret symbolic language in its historical context as the author intended. And although it can be difficult, try not to read your own opinions into the text.


Application: Live the message.

·    How do I apply our interpretations to our everyday life.

·    How can you put the message you have received into action?

·    How does this revelation change your attitudes and opinions?

·    What have you learned about your relationship with God and other people?



Resources: Life Lessons from Matthew: The Carpenter King